Research shows that healthy employees are happier employees who perform better and are more productive.  Benefits of a healthy workforce also translate into reduced absenteeism and turnover.  That said, it is important for employees to prioritize personal wellness.  These classes focus on providing employees with strategies to reduce stress, balance work and home life, and employ effective ergonomic practices to keep healthy and happy.

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A Stress-Free Work Day Our Desk Yogi team brings simple, easy-to-follow stress-reducing techniques your way so you can enjoy the workday stress-free. Mediation, acupressure and simple bodywork techniques will bring you into the present moment and immediately help you to feel lighter in your body, present, and centered. Each session is under 10 minutes and all of the practices are designed to be done in your work environment. 53 minutes
Creating Work/Life Balance For working professionals, keeping up with the competing demands of office and home takes more than good time-management skills. It requires an ability to prioritize and set a healthy work/life balance. This Challenge Series exercise explores the ways that work/life balance can be created to minimize stress and maximize productivity. 15 minutes
Managing Workplace Stress Workplace stress will remain a reality of modern business for the foreseeable future, but there are strategies to consider when evaluating how best to anticipate and manage work-related pressures. 6 minutes
Staying Balanced in a Shifting World Achieving a healthy work/life balance gives you the chance to practice mindfulness and focus on what's important in all aspects of your life. Maintaining this work/life balance requires constant vigilance. This course focuses on techniques for managing stress and recognizing the behaviors like passivity, aggressiveness, and assertiveness, and how these affect your ability to find balance in life. Techniques that can be used to achieve and preserve balance are also discussed. 15 minutes
Take a Deep Breath and Manage Your Stress When you're constantly adding items to your never-ending to-do list, feeling overwhelmed at work and at home, and finding your health and relationships negatively impacted, you are likely experiencing stress. Stress is produced by your own feelings and reactions to certain external events, rather than by the events themselves. But while you may not always be able to control the external events causing your stress, by applying mindfulness techniques, you can control your reactions to them. This course explains the physiological, behavioral, and psychological signs and symptoms of stress and where it can come from. It outlines strategies for maintaining work/life balance and managing stress. It also covers ways to change your responses to stress and make them more positive and how to use relaxation techniques and adopting mindfulness to help you focus. 22 minutes
Taking Stock of Your Work/Life Balance People with a healthy work-life balance are satisfied with both their work and home lives. They can fulfill their multiple family responsibilities at home, as well as work and community commitments without guilt or regret. They're healthy physically, emotionally, and socially. They’re not over-worked. In fact, they have a sense of control over their life, and feel that the decisions they make are informed choices. In this course, you'll learn about how to detect imbalance between home and work and how to achieve a healthy compromise between work balance and life balance. And you’ll assess your current work/life balance so you can overcome internal and external obstacles to achieving harmony. 22 minutes