A school site’s administrative/clerical team is indispensable to the functioning of a campus.  In their role, members of the administrative staff perform a wide variety of tasks, from working with students and their families, to supporting teachers, to maintaining student data, and the list goes on.  Accordingly, school office staff members must possess a well-rounded skill and considerable technical knowledge to succeed in this role.  The modules listed below provide a review of and guidance on the many technical procedures and policies that govern the work that our school office team carry out.

To View these Modules: visit MyPLN at Select the search button and search for a course using a keyword from the course title.

Cumulative Records for Elementary Schools (Series)
Early Education Registration Enrollment and Records – Required Forms and Documentation for New Students
Early Education Registration Enrollment General Qualifications
Early Education Registration, Enrollment - Family Size
Early Education Registration, Enrollment & Records Verification of Need
Early Education Registration, Enrollment & Records Waiting Eligibility List Application
Early Education Registration, Enrollment and Records forms CD9600 and NOA (Notice of Action)
Early Education Registration, Enrollment General Requirements
Early Education Registration, Enrollment, & Records Family Data File
Elementary Cumulative Charter Schools
Elementary Cumulative Classification of Records
Elementary Cumulative Corrections
Elementary Cumulative Health Card Record
Elementary Cumulative Initiating a New Cumulative Record
Elementary Cumulative Legal Requirements
Elementary Cumulative Organization and Maintenance
Elementary Cumulative Request for Student Records
Elementary Cumulative Test Label Cards
Elementary Enrollment Daily Reg, Notice of E or W, Reg Card
Elementary Enrollment Establish Student's Identity
Elementary Enrollment Establishing Parent Guardian Identity
Elementary Enrollment Forms for New Students
Elementary Enrollment Immunization Requirements
Elementary Enrollment Mandated Enrollment Forms
Elementary Enrollment Office Checklist
Elementary Enrollment Residency Requirements
Elementary Enrollment School Base Forms
Elementary Enrollment Special Student Population
Imprest Fund Account Authorized and Prohibited Expenditures
Imprest Fund Account Claim Form
Imprest Fund Account Organization of Records
Imprest Fund Account Request for Reimbursement
Imprest Fund Bank Account and Imprest Fund Reconciliation
Imprest Fund Bank Statement and Check Book Reconciliation
Imprest Fund Closing the Imprest Fund Account
Imprest Fund Account Authorized and Prohibited Expenditures
Imprest Fund Account Claim Form
Imprest Fund Account Organization of Records
Imprest Fund Account Request for Reimbursement
Imprest Fund Bank Account and Imprest Fund Reconciliation
Imprest Fund Bank Statement and Check Book Reconciliation
Imprest Fund Closing the Imprest Fund Account
PAYROLL MODULE BTS Payroll Reports Display HR Master Data - PA20
PAYROLL MODULE BTS Payroll Reports Display Working Time
PAYROLL MODULE BTS Payroll Reports Employee List by Cost Center
PAYROLL MODULE BTS Payroll Reports Employee List for Positive Time Reporting
PAYROLL MODULE BTS Payroll Reports Final Time Report
PAYROLL MODULE BTS Payroll Reports Vacation Balance Report
PAYROLL MODULE Categorical Funding
PAYROLL MODULE Entering Teach Auxiliary Hours
PAYROLL MODULE Entering Time Using the Employee List by Cost Center
PAYROLL MODULE Extended Day-to-Day Substitutes
PAYROLL MODULE Getting Started at a New Location
PAYROLL MODULE Lump Sum Differentials
PAYROLL MODULE Preparing Sign In Out Cards for School Employees
PAYROLL MODULE Quota Report Shortcut
PAYROLL MODULE Time Anticipation
PAYROLL MODULE Time Entry Corrections
Secondary Cumulative Clerical Roles and Responsibilities
Secondary Cumulative Completed Copy of Cumulative Record
Secondary Cumulative Corrections
Secondary Cumulative Creating a Cumulative Record for a New Student to LAUSD
Secondary Cumulative Organization and Maintenance
Secondary Cumulative Record
Secondary Cumulative Student Health Records
Secondary Cumulative Test Label Cards
Secondary Cumulative Transferring of Student Cumulative Records
Secondary Enrollment Additional Mandated Forms
Secondary Enrollment Establish Parent Identity
Secondary Enrollment Establish Student Identity
Secondary Enrollment Immunization Requirements
Secondary Enrollment Mandated Enrollment
Secondary Enrollment Mandatory School Based Forms
Secondary Enrollment Office Checklist
Secondary Enrollment Residency Requirements
Secondary Enrollment Special Student Population
Student Body Account Explanation
Student Body End of the Year Closing Procedures
Student Body Fundraising Practices
Student Body Identify the Usage of Ledger Columns
Student Body Monthly Reports
Student Body Organization of Records
Student Body Permitted Prohibited Expenditures Reimbursement Process
Student Body Process of Deposits and Banking
Student Body Reimbursement Process