Most organizations, at some point, will experience significant transition or change.  Organizational change isn’t always easy to adapt to and is often difficult for employees who are impacted by it.  These courses highlight techniques for planning for and successfully adapting to change.  Classes also introduce approaches for effectively leading change.

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Change Management This program provides the participant with strategies for leading changes within an organization, including effective approaches to introducing and communicating change. It also provides practical strategies for dealing with sources of employee resistance to change, and for removing organizational obstacles to ensure the transition is followed through. 120 minutes
Leading Your Team through Change Change is always happening. Effective team leadership means managing teams through the ongoing transition processes that facilitate change. Removing obstacles that can hinder the productive teamwork required to make these transition processes smooth is essential. In this course, participants will learn about types of resistance and obstacles to change and how to overcome them in a collaboration. They will also learn about how to overcome barriers to introducing change at their organization. Finally, they will learn effective approaches for communicating change when working on a team. 30 minutes
Leadership Essentials: Leading Change In this course, participants will learn tools for adapting to new processes, such as change charters and guiding coalitions. They will discover how to interpret stakeholders’ influence and input and how they can help when changing the organization’s strategy. They will also learn best practices for creating codes of change that will enable them to successfully adapt and become more resilient. 60 minutes
Moving Forward with Change Planning When adapting to change, effective planning is key. If planned and carried out properly, a change initiative can enhance an organization’s flexibility and resilience in the face of future disruptions. In this course, participants will learn such things as how to identify the key elements of a “change charter”; recognize best practices for interpreting stakeholder input into change efforts; use best practices for facilitating change; and how to plan for a successful change. 24 minutes
Organizations Change So Get Ready Change can be disruptive, but adapting to change can also open new possibilities. A changing work situation can create a period of uncertainty while employees adapt. A clear understanding of what organizational change is can help build resilience and flexibility. In this course, participants will find out what can trigger organizational change. Participants will explore common responses to change and the stages of reacting to change that people go through when dealing with organizational change. They will also learn why it’s important to be resilient when adapting to change, and how to prepare to get the most out of change. 30 minutes
Redefining Yourself After Organizational Change Organizational change is inevitable, so employees need to be resilient and adapt to the new opportunities it presents. It's important to not just survive organizational change. With resilience, flexibility, and perseverance, employees can thrive in it and propel their career forward. In this course, participants will learn the importance of adapting to organizational change, as well as the essential skills needed to handle it. The course details the best practices of building self-motivation and introduces the idea of reframing as a coping method. Participants will learn to turn resistance to change into acceptance. Finally, this course covers the importance of capitalizing on the career opportunities presented by organizational change. 29 minutes
The Importance of Flexibility in the Workplace Change happens rapidly in business. As a result, employees must be flexible, adaptive, and ready for new things. This Business Impact examines how employees can develop these traits. 17 minutes
Instituting a Quality Improvement Program In this challenge participants will be put to the test on a change scenario. It's high-stakes, many stakeholders are affected, clarity on what to change is poor, people may not see the need for change, but it must happen fast. Roll up your sleeves and get ready to rumble… You are the change agent selected to lead this initiative! 15 minutes
Managing the Stress of Organizational Change Organizational change has become commonplace in today's business world. This Business Impact examines the challenges an employee faces when his or her company restructures into a decentralized organization. 6 minutes