Time Management Basics

COURSE DESCRIPTION Do you ever feel like you are constantly chasing the day? It is not uncommon to feel like there is never enough time in the day to complete all your objectives. Inability to effectively manage your time may make you feel like you are always trying to catch up. In this course, you…

Time and Task Management Essentials: Get More Done in Less Time

COURSE DESCRIPTION Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the constant flow of information, responsibilities, and expectations? This interactive webinar will teach you how to leverage your time and establish productive habits that will help you manage competing priorities. You will learn best practices for time and task management that will help you increase efficiency, achieve…

Imprest Fund Accounting – Basics

CLASS DESCRIPTION Participants will be able to properly utilize the Imprest Fund and maintain records using the guidelines specified in Reference Guide 1706.4. We will cover imprest cycle, reconciliation exercises, retention of records, and organization of records.

P-Card Policies and Procedures

COURSE DESCRIPTION In this training, participants will discover new policy changes related to P-Card usage, guidelines, limits, and restrictions. Special emphasis will be placed on the importance of using P-Cards responsibly and in accordance with LAUSD’s policies. Participants will also learn recent procurement process changes and travel policy updates

Wealth Management – Getting to Know the Basics: The essentials to better understanding your financial

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is part of our lunch and learn series. Looking to get on track with your finances? Need ideas on where to start? Join us for this information-packed webinar presented by California Credit Union in partnership with Ameriprise Financial. In this session, you’ll learn the essentials to better understand your financials including:…

Inspired Service

COURSE CONTENT “Inspired Service” is designed to provide participants with tips and techniques for ensuring that all employees, students, parents and community members receive polite and welcoming service from LAUSD staff. Key highlights include: • Exploring how you and your role make a difference to who we serve at LAUSD • Identifying key techniques for…

Performance Management – The No Surprises Approach to Good Management

COURSE DESCRIPTION Managing staff performance is arguably one of the most critical roles carried out by our District managers and supervisors. Yet, applying all of the knowledge and skills that are needed to consistently and effectively do it well takes practice and commitment. Join as we explore: The three key ingredients to good staff management;…

The Effective Leader (Series of 3 Classes)

COURSE DESCRIPTION As employees advance into leadership roles, they must shift focus away from direct supervision and begin adapting a more strategic and visionary emphasis. This move into more visible and influential positions requires a specific set of skills. This course is designed to introduce participants to the role of the leader and familiarize the…