Performance Management

COURSE DESCRIPTION Managing staff performance is arguably one of the most critical roles carried out by our District managers and supervisors. Yet, applying all of the knowledge and skills that are needed to consistently and effectively do it well takes practice and commitment. Join as we explore: The three key ingredients to good staff management;…

Coping with Information Overload

COURSE DESCRIPTION In the age of information, information is constantly communicated to us through multiple channels such as emails, texts, calls, and meetings. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and disorganized with the overflow of information. In this course, you will learn how to better manage your information channels and improve your organizational skills.

Current Time Reporting Practices

COURSE DESCRIPTION Participants will learn up-to-date payroll concepts, absences and attendance type codes, time reporting corrections processes, and will review common SAP time entry reports.

Change Management

COURSE DESCRIPTION Change is not an event; it is a process. Change can happen quickly and, in some situations, can be urgent! However, it can take time for individuals to make a transition from one way of working to another. This course provides you with strategies for leading changes within an organization, including effective approaches…

Enrollment Procedures – Elementary – Enrollment Forms

COURSE DESCRIPTION Are you new to the district? Or just want a refresher on the mandated enrollment forms that are given to a new student to LAUSD and a transfer student from another LAUSD school according to reference guide 6554.4? Then this class is for you.

Cumulative Records for Secondary End of Year Procedures

COURSE DESCRIPTION Participants will have a better understanding of their role and responsibilities when it comes to the maintenance, preparation, and organization of our student Secondary Cumulative records after they culminate from middle school or graduate from senior high school.

Managing Stress and Adapting to Change

COURSE DESCRIPTION Stress is a natural part of life; however, it can be significantly amplified during times of change. In this course, you will learn how stress affects us mentally, emotionally, and physically and techniques that can help you manage stress. We will also discuss strategies on how to adapt and navigate through inevitable changes…

The Power of a Proactive Attitude

COURSE DESCRIPTION As we know, we bring our "attitude" with us wherever we go. It's easy to fall into a downward spiral and focus on what isn't working exactly the way we would like. Wouldn't it be very useful to become aware of our own patterns and be able to shift our attitude and communication…

Time and Task Management Essentials: Get More Done in Less Time

COURSE DESCRIPTION Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the constant flow of information, responsibilities, and expectations? This interactive webinar will teach you how to leverage your time and establish productive habits that will help you manage competing priorities. In this course, you'll learn the best practices for time and task management that will help you…