Budget Accounting – Hyperlinked Control Sheets MAINTENANCE
COURSE DESCRIPTION Learn the importance of keeping up to date with the school Hyperlinked Control Sheets to monitor and track program balances to ensure compliance and accuracy within the planned school budget.
Elevating Employee Performance through Progressive Performance Enhancement (Exceptional Supervisor Certificate Program – Level II)
COURSE DESCRIPTION This workshop will focus on the progressive discipline process, and will center on how to positively manage behavior when an employee is not meeting communicated standards.
The Power of a Proactive Attitude
COURSE DESCRIPTION As we know, we bring our "attitude" with us wherever we go. It's easy to fall into a downward spiral and focus on what isn't working exactly the way we would like. Wouldn't it be very useful to become aware of our own patterns and be able to shift our attitude and communication…
Cumulative Records Procedures for Elementary
COURSE DESCRIPTION After this class, participants will have a better understanding when it comes to the preparation, organization, and maintenance of the cumulative record. This training will include how to open a cum for a brand new student, for a transfer student, and make corrections on cumulative record cards.
Cumulative Records Procedures for Elementary
COURSE DESCRIPTION After this class, participants will have a better understanding when it comes to the preparation, organization, and maintenance of the cumulative record. This training will include how to open a cum for a brand new student, for a transfer student, and make corrections on cumulative record cards.
Business Writing for Supervisors (Exceptional Supervisor Certificate Program – Level 1)
COURSE DESCRIPTION This workshop provides participants with a review of the essentials of business writing, including grammar and punctuation, and offers strategies for composing well-written business documents that communicate the message intended. This is part of the Exceptional Supervisor Certificate Program. Participants may attend this class as a single class or as part of the…
Introduction to the Classified Growth and Development Application
COURSE DESCRIPTION The Classified Growth and Development Tool is an online application that allows our Classified employees to plan their own career growth with LAUSD. The Tool provides a career planning process for employees, following a pre-defined performance framework. We invite you to attend one of our sessions introducing this tool.
P-Card Policies and Procedures – Reconciliation
COURSE DESCRIPTION Participants will learn the pre-approval requirements for purchases, the step-by-step reconciliation process, and the uploading of the receipts. In addition, participants will analyze and review scenarios of P-Card expenditures for continued understanding of policies and procedures.
P-Card Policies and Procedures – Reconciliation
COURSE DESCRIPTION Participants will learn the pre-approval requirements for purchases, the step-by-step reconciliation process, and the uploading of the receipts. In addition, participants will analyze and review scenarios of P-Card expenditures for continued understanding of policies and procedures.
FranklinCovey – The 5 Choices for Extraordinary Productivity (Series of 3 Classes)
COURSE DESCRIPTION It is both easier and harder than ever to achieve extraordinary productivity. Because of this, it is no longer about knowing a few time management concepts. A culture of productivity is about doing; mastery of the skills you will learn should not only produce an increase in productivity, but also a renewed sense…