On-Boarding Appointment

Before you can start your new job, you will need to complete a series of new-hire forms and attend an On-Boarding appointment.  Appointments are held at one of our Employment Offices located throughout the District.  During the appointment, a representative from LAUSD will review and ensure that you have completed all of your new-employee documents, will check relevant documentation, and will take your fingerprints as part of a background check.


Review the steps below for a full description of the On-Boarding process.

Schedule TB Test/Receive Results

  • Before your On-Boarding appointment, you will need a Tuberculosis test.
  • You must schedule an appointment to take the Tuberculosis (Mantoux) TB Skin Test. (Payment for testing will be at your expense.) The test results will be read 48—72 hours after the initial test. Test results must show a "Date Given" and "Date Read" to be valid. 
  • If the test reads positive, you MUST have a chest x-ray. (Please note that you must provide documentation that your skin test read positive, if you submit results of a chest x-ray).
  • T.B. skin tests and chest x-rays must be taken and read within 60 days prior to your processing appointment. Make sure that you receive an original document showing the NEGATIVE TB results; you will need to submit the results at the processing appointment.
  • In some cases, your doctor may be able to complete a “Tuberculosis Symptom Screening Questionnaire” in lieu of the TB test. You may speak with the individual who arranges your On-Boarding appointment about this option.

Schedule New Hire On-Boarding Appointment

  • Before you can begin working, you will be scheduled for a new hire On-Boarding appointment.
  • Your appointment will be made either by someone in our Classified Employment Services Branch (if you were hired from an employment eligibility list) or by a school site administrator (if you are hired directly by a school site).
  • Appointments are scheduled at one of our Employment Offices which are located throughout the District.


Prepare for the New Hire On-Boarding Appointment

Prior to your appointment, please read the pre-hire documents listed below. You will be asked to confirm with a signature that you have read these documents.

Attend On-Boarding Appointment

  • At the appointment, you will submit all required documents; read and sign processing documents; and will be fingerprinted.
  • All processing documents are then forwarded to the Classified Employment Services Branch. Once the fingerprints have cleared, a member of our Classified Employment Services Branch will give you a date to begin in your new position; typically it takes 7—10 days to clear.


Please read each policy prior to your on-boarding appointment.
You will be asked to confirm with a signature that you read each of these documents. 

Child Abuse or Neglect Reporting

Code of Conduct with Students

Drug, Alcohol & Tobacco-Free Workplace

Employee Code of Ethics

Employment Discrimination Policy

Family and Medical Leave Act

Injuries Caused by Work

LAUSD Nepotism Policy

Reasonable Accommodation Policy

Victim of Domestic Violence Policy